Snapshots of CBO’s Budget Outlook

Posted by
Leigh Angres
Jonathan Schwabish
March 12, 2013

To expand CBO’s efforts to communicate the analysis we do for the Congress in new and easily accessible ways, we will start releasing “snapshots” of the budget outlook. These are straightforward graphs with short captions that, we hope, will provide quick and useful insights into aspects of the federal budget. The graphs draw directly from the baseline budget projections that we published last month in The Budget and Economic Outlook: Fiscal Years 2013 to 2023.

We will release snapshots related to four spending programs during the rest of this week, and we plan to release additional snapshots in coming weeks.

Leigh Angres is special assistant to the CBO Director. Jonathan Schwabish is an analyst in CBO’s Health, Retirement, and Long-Term Analysis Division.