Legislation considered under suspension of the Rules of the House of Representatives during the week of April 15, 2024

Suspension Bill

The Majority Leader of the House of Representatives announces bills that will be considered under suspension of the rules in that chamber. CBO estimates the effects of those bills on direct spending and revenues.

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Corrections and Updates

On April 12, 2024, this table was updated to revise the estimate for H.R. 1767, Student Veteran Benefit Restoration Act, as amended, as a result of changes to the bill text. CBO estimated that the version of the bill posted on April 9, 2024, would increase direct spending by $5 million over the 2024-2034 period. The updated version of the bill, posted on April 10, 2024, would decrease direct spending by $12 million over that period, CBO estimates.

On April 15, 2024, this table was updated to include estimates of legislation that were added on April 14, 2024, to the list of bills that may be considered under suspension of the rules in the House of Representatives during the week of April 15, 2024. The additional bills are highlighted in bold in the list above.