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  • You are accessing an Information System owned and managed by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) and the United States Government. This system is provided for government-authorized use only. Unauthorized or improper use of this system may result in disciplinary action and civil and criminal penalties.
  • All communications and data transiting, traveling to or from, or stored on this system will be monitored. You consent to the unrestricted monitoring, interception, recording, and searching of all communications and data transiting, traveling to or from, or stored on this system at any time and for any purpose by CBO and by any person or entity, including government entities, authorized by CBO. You also consent to the unrestricted disclosure of all communications and data transiting, traveling to or from, or stored on this system at any time and for any purpose to any person or entity, including government entities, authorized by CBO. You are acknowledging that you have no reasonable expectation of privacy regarding your use of this system. These acknowledgments and consents cover all uses of the system — including work-related use and personal use — without exception.